


Project Coordinator

Selin Türkeş-Kılıç is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Yeditepe University, İstanbul, Turkey. She received her B.A in International Relations from Bilkent University (2004) and integrated Ph.D. in Political Science from Sabancı University, Turkey (2012). She worked at the University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain as a Marie Curie Early Stage Research Fellow (2011-2012). She was a visiting researcher at ARENA, University of Oslo, Norway in Spring 2010. She is a management board member of the Association of European Studies for the Caucasus (AESC), which has launched a new project on "Promoting Inter-Regional European Studies in the Caucasus" under Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Support to Associations 2018. She teaches European Union, Turkey-EU relations, Introduction to International Relations, International Relations Theory and Turkish Foreign Policy courses. Her research focuses on the argumentative processes in the foreign policy-making of the European Union and Turkey.





Kıral ATAÇ

Project Assistant

Kıral Ataç is a master student at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey. He received his B.A in Political Science and International Relations from Yeditepe University with high honors degree (2018). He also had an education at the University of Wrocław, Poland with Erasmus+ exchange program (2016). He had the opportunity to work as an intern at The Grand National Assembly of Turkey in Spring 2017. He concluded his undergraduate degree with a thesis on the late Ottoman political life. After receiving his bachelor's degree, he started to work as a project assistant in the project about the European Union which is conducted by Assistant Professor Selin Türkeş-Kılıç at Yeditepe University. He is currently working on his master's thesis entitled 'A Liberal Intellectual in the Transition to Multi-Party Life in Turkey: Ahmet Emin YALMAN'. His main interests include Turkish politics and Turkish political thought.